What are the reasons why you might want to receive a massage?
Massage has been around for thousands of years, and has been practised throughout the ages and all over the world.
Many of my protocols come from Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and other Western traditions. Despite their varied names, cultures agree on the benefits of massage, and there are many of them:
- Activation of blood and lymph circulation -> recovery, helps to eliminate toxins
- Mechanical action on the muscles to relax them, break up fibrous agglomerates and evacuate lactic acid -> muscle relaxation and regeneration, helps to eliminate musce soreness
- Unblocking energy when working on the Sen (pronounced "chen") in TCM, chakras, marmas, or any other energy point or current -> improved health, renewed energy.
- Mental well-being -> Reduces stress, improves quality of sleep, eliminates intrusive thoughts, helps to focus
- Emotional well-being: this is a time dedicated to your well-being, where you can talk about your current struggles and receive support and empathy from me. Furthermore, receiving conscious touch soothes and comforts the nervous system.
For people involved in intense physical activity, massage is particularly recommended to help recovery, loosen adhesions (improve mobility), reduce the risk of injury and improve performance.
You can have a look at the massages I offer, and contact me for advice.
Take care,