This method, which is thousands of years old in Eastern countries, has emerged in Western countries in recent years and is becoming increasingly popular. I'll explain what it involves and tell you about its many benefits.
The different terms:
\Cupping" is the English term commonly used. It can also be read as "hijama", which is the term used in North Africa and the Middle East. In French, I use "ventouses" or "ventouses chinoises", because of the technique's origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The methods:
There are many methods of cupping in TCM.
I use 2 of these techniques:
I only use dry cupping methods (as opposed to wet cupping). There is therefore no external bleeding.
Cupping can be "hot": the vacuum is created by a flame inserted briefly into the cup, the fire consumes the oxygen and the cup is applied directly to your skin (you are never in contact with the flame and do not feel the heat).
The suction cups can be applied "cold": the suction cups are made of plastic, placed against your skin and suction is then applied using a pump.
**When is cupping appropriate?
The 'moving cupping' method is particularly effective for muscle recovery, eliminating toxins that cause aches and pains, eliminating cellulite and firming tissues.
I systematically use cupping in combination with manual massage methods. This maximises your recovery and well-being. I start with a massage to prepare your skin and muscles and activate blood and lymphatic circulation; then I apply the suction cups and massage with them to obtain the best possible analgesic and anti-bruising results. I finish with massage movements for a "return to calm" and soothe your tissues.
Sensations and pain:
In terms of sensation, you can feel your skin pulling as it is sucked in by the vacuum of the suction cup. After a few seconds, the stretching calms down and spreads. You get used to it and enjoy the sensation of lightness and freedom in your tissues, which detoxify and oxygenate thanks to the blood flow.
Throughout the treatment, I ask you how you feel. I never push you into pain and adapt to your feedback. So there's no need for you to feel any pain.
Due to the large influx of blood, the skin may mark and form a circular haematoma, which may remain for up to 2 weeks. This mark is not painful, and is simply an indication of the area's need to be detoxified and relieved.
You can take arnica in homeopathic form or as a cream to activate cellular exchanges and support your recovery.
Ask me your questions by contacting me and book an appointment online!
See you soon,